Spring has arrived and it’s time to adopt the mantra, “out with the old, in with the new.” This mantra can be applied to your home when it comes to spring cleaning. It’s time to sweep out the old winter season and usher in the fresh new spring season into your apartment.
As the tender shoots of the season burst through the soil, bringing green back into our lives, why not go greener with your spring cleaning routine? Before you dive into a deep spring cleaning of your apartment, it's important to understand that cleaning products and tools that contain harsh chemicals and wasteful packaging can be harmful to the environment. This spring, we hope you'll adopt an eco-friendly cleaning routine that is gentle on the Earth. Here are our best tips for green spring cleaning.
Try DIY Cleaning Solutions
A great way to ensure you use eco-friendly cleaning products is to make them yourself. When you make your own green cleaning products, you can use reusable packaging, like glass mason jars, to store them which enables you to reduce the amount of product packaging that you send to landfill – which is a waste reduction bonus!
You’d be amazed by how many recipes and formulas there are out there for effective homemade cleaning solutions! Here are 10 homemade cleaning solutions to try that are made from common and eco-friendly ingredients such as distilled vinegar and essential oils. From disinfecting to degreasing, the right cleaning solution for the job is easier than you think to whip up at home.
If you want to keep things pure and simple, a mix of baking soda and distilled white vinegar will get most cleaning jobs done. Learn about the many different ways this magical cleaning solution can be used – from stain removal to getting rid of mildew.
Buy Green Cleaners
You don’t have to make your own cleaning products to be kinder to the planet. Many stores, including major grocery stores, now sell eco-friendly cleaning products. Look for the following eco-friendly product certifications when you go shopping:
You can reduce packaging waste when you buy green cleaning products at health food stores and bulk stores that stock bulk eco-friendly cleaning supplies. Remember to bring your own reusable containers!
Another great natural cleaner that's totally eco-friendly and biodegradable is soap nuts. They are dried berry shells from the Himalayas that you can use instead of laundry detergent and fabric softener. They naturally create saponins to clean your laundry. They can be reused many times.
Use Reusable Cleaning Tools
Cleaning can be wasteful when it involves a lot of single-use or disposable components, but it doesn't have to be. Instead of buying disposable cleaning cloths, like Swiffer cloths, for your uncarpeted floors, try a good old-fashioned reusable wooden broom and dust pan and then mop up any grime left behind using the baking soda and vinegar mixture we mentioned above with a mop. For carpets, consider investing in an eco-friendly vacuum cleaner. Look for cordless models with a small motor, manual sweepers and bagless models.
Before you stock up on cheap polyurethane sponges (that won’t last long and will wind up in a landfill) for cleaning your home and washing your dishes, consider these eco-friendly and highly durable reusable alternatives. They do a better job, last for ages and even if they eventually wind up in a landfill, their materials can biodegrade better than petroleum-based synthetics.
We hope these tips help you adopt an eco-friendly spring cleaning routine this year!